Faculty: April 2025

Natalya Manturova

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Cosmetology and Cellular Technologies Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, chief freelance plastic surgeon of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and the Department of Health of Moscow.

Prof. Manturova is an honored member of The Russian Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, member of The International Confederation of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (IPRAS), Society of Aesthetic Medicine, International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS).

Prof. Manturova is a scientific editor of the «Aesthetic Medicine» magazine, a member of the editorial board of the «Plastic surgery and cosmetology» magazine, a member of scientific committees and the scientific director of a number of Russian, European and other international congresses.

Prof. Manturova made a great contribution to the establishment and development of Plastic Surgery in Russia as a separate discipline. She is also a coordinator of a number of Russian and international conferences. Author of numerous publications medical magazines. Regular speaker at forums, conferences of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery.

Was awarded the Diploma of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation.

Chiara Botti

Dr. Chiara Botti, Plastic and Aesthetic Surgeon, completed her studies at the University of Brescia. She is member of AICPE (Italian Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery), and an honorary member of the Paraguayan Society of Plastic Surgery.

Since the first year of enrollment in the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery she has supported her father (Dr. Giovanni Botti) in daily practice of cosmetic surgery. Therefore, as a result, at age 38 she already has 20 years of experience in the field.

In the training of Dr. Chiara Botti many and varied were the prolonged periods of training at other colleagues and clinics around the world.

She studied one semester at the Newcastle University in Australia, working at the same time as researcher in endocrinology, which yielded publications in leading international journals.

She participated for protracted periods to surgical activities in the University Hospitals of Lübeck (Germany), Natal (Brazil), Chiba (Japan) and in the departments of prof. Hexner (Frankfurt), Mottura (Cordoba, Argentina), Ribeiro (Rio de Janeiro), Gonzalez (Ribeirao Preto, Brazil), Bratu (Timisoara, Romania), Marten and Bowers (San Francisco, California). In recent years she has taken part in many of the most important courses and conferences in Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery, in Italy as well as abroad (Vienna, Brussels, Stuttgart, Helsinki, Hamburg, Barcelona, ​​Vittorio Veneto, Asuncion, Munich, Ferrara, Bergamo, Padua, Tenerife, Reggio Emilia, Udine, Florence, Ravenna, Tehran, Bern, Berlin just to mention the goals of recent times), both as speaker and operator in live surgery sessions.

She deepened her knowledge in the field of anti-aging medicine by participating to the master organized by the European Society of Anti-Aging Medicine.

She works at Villa Bella Clinic as surgeon.

Her main passion is surgery of the face, with particular interest in the aging process.

For years she has devoted herself with great satisfaction to the development of fat grafting techniques.

Naresh Joshi

Naresh Joshi is Consultant Oculoplastic surgeon at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Trust London and Honorary Consultant to the Royal Marsden. He is an Honorary Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College London.

He is a founder member, and ex-president of the British Ophthalmic Plastic Surgical Society (BOPSS). He heads the BOPSS aesthetics subcommittee.

He has an interest in reconstructive ophthalmic plastic surgery in craniofacial anomalies. He is the co-founder of the Craniofacial Ophthalmic Plastic Service (COPS), at Chelsea and Westminster hospital, widely recognised for its holistic paediatric, and adult facial surgery.

He has lectured throughout the world, on many aspects of reconstructive and aesthetic ophthalmic plastic surgery. He is also known for his practice in aesthetic surgical rejuvenation.

Guy Massry

MD., Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California.

Dr. Massry’s practice focuses on aesthetic forehead, eyebrow, eyelid and mid face surgery. He has a specific interest in revisional aesthetic procedures, volume preservation blepharoplasty, and advances in the use of eyelid and periorbital fillers. Dr. Massry is a fellowship co-preceptor for both an AAFPRS approved facial plastic surgery fellowship, and an ASOPRS approved ophthalmic plastic fellowship. Dr. Massry has published extensively, is a frequent guest lecturer at various symposia both nationally and internationally, and has edited four textbooks focusing on aesthetic ocluloplastic surgery. Dr. Massry has founded his texts on contributions from the four core aesthetic subspecialties (plastic surgery, facial plastic surgery, oculoplastic surgery and dermatology). This has allowed a truly multi-disciplinary approach at evaluating and understanding the various topics of interest to the readership. This multispecialty approach of learning is primary to Dr. Massry’s educational philosophy and has led to his involvement on the advisory council of the Annual Multispecialty Aesthetic Meeting in Las Vegas Nevada. This is the largest such scientific meeting in the USA, and Dr. Massry organizes the oculoplastic session of the meeting. Dr. Massry is also a reviewer for various scientific journals, sits on the editorial board for his society’s (ASOPRS) specialty journal: The Journal of Ophthalmic Plastic and reconstructive Surgery (OPRS), and is the editor of the aesthetic citation section of this journal (OPRS).

Vasilij Atamanov

Head of reconstructive and plastic surgery NF FBGU MNTK Microsurgery of Eye by academic Fedorov Ministry of Public health service RF.

Alexey Borovikov

Professor Alexey M. Borovikov (Moscow, Russia) is in surgery since 1975. Has publications on aesthetic and general surgery, angio- and neurosurgery, reconstructive hand and breast microsurgery, orthopedics and traumatology. Author of the books on postmastectomy breast reconstruction and aesthetic breast surgery. Alexey is in private practice for the last 25 years, and is active in postgraduate education of plastic surgeons. A member of several national and international societies.

Sergei Frolov

Plastic surgeon, ENT surgeon. Candidate of Medical Sciences. Ilyinskaya Hospital, Moscow.

Full member of the Rhinoplasty society of Europe (RSE).
Full member of the European Rhinologic Society (ERS).
Full member of the European Academy Of Facial Plastic Surgery (EAFPS).

Regular participant in international congresses and master classes on plastic and ENT surgery.
Trained in leading clinics in Germany, USA, Turkiye.
Main areas of interest: aesthetic and functional septorhinoplasty, revision rhinoplasty, functional endoscopic surgery of the nasal cavity, intranasal structures and paranasal sinuses.

Viktor Globa

Candidate of Medical Sciences. Head of the Plastic Surgery Course at the Kazakh-Russian University in Almaty. National Secretary of ISAPS in Kazakhstan.

Svetlana Grischenko

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Aesthetic Medicine, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, General Director of TOPKLINIKA Aesthetic Medicine, Moscow, plastic surgeon, member of the Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons of Russia (ISRAPS), International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS - International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery), the profile commission for "Plastic Surgery" under the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

Work experience in surgery is 30 years. Author and co-author of more than 120 scientific works, 12 inventions, including original methods of blepharoplasty, correction of the upper third of the face and ptosis of eyebrows, formation of intraocutaneous access to facial plastic surgery, medical technologies in plastic and reconstructive surgeons using endoscopic equipment and autotransplantation of adipose tissue (lipofilling ).

The field of professional interests: blepharoplasty, aesthetic and reconstructive surgery of the face and body with age changes, aesthetic defects, congenital and acquired deformities, mammoplasty, abdominal plastic, liposculpture: autologous adipose tissue (lipofilling) and liposuction, endoscopic surgery. Practical activities: 300 operations of different profiles per year.

David Grishkyan

Certified plastic surgeon, Doctor of Medicine, full member of the European Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (ESPRAS), European Rhinologic Society (ERS), and the Russian Society of Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgeons.

Dr. Grishkyan has been practicing plastic surgery for more than 18 years. Over that time, he has performed more than 3,000 operations, including more than 700 rhinoplasty procedures.

Dr. Grishkyan is the author of more than 25 research papers. He was among the first surgeons to start using micro instruments for rhinoplasty and among the first Russian cosmetologists and plastic surgeons to adopt modern laser techniques.

Andrei Hotyan

Candidate of Medical Sciences. Assistant at the Department of Plastic Surgery of KSMA. Assistant at the Department of Surgical Diseases of KFU.

Author of a regular series for plastic surgeons, “Correction of body contours and liposculpture.” Author of methodological manuals on the use of ultrasound devices Vaser and LipoSaver.
Total surgical experience 25 years. 10 years of experience in plastic surgery. Ultrasonic liposuction device Vaser 7 years of operation. Ultrasonic liposuction device LipoSaver 2 years of operation.

Areas of professional interests: correction of body contours using ultrasound and vibration liposuction, lipotransfer of the breasts and buttocks, abdominoplasty of all levels of complexity, simultaneous with hernia repairs and gynecology, male liposculpture, breast augmentation, aesthetic facial surgery from blepharoplasty to total face.

Alisher Kasimov

Ilona Kochneva

Natalya Korableva

Doctor of Medicine, plastic surgeon, surgeon of the top category.

Full member of the Russian Society of Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgeons. Full member of the Pirogov Surgical Society.

With more than 30 years in medicine, Dr. Korableva currently serves as a plastic surgeon at A3BEAUTE Clinique. She attended numerous international conventions of plastic and reconstructive surgeons. Over the years, she has performed countless operations on patients with breast pathologies, as well as reconstructions and aesthetic procedures. Dr. Korableva is the author of more than 90 research papers and the holder of four patents.

Mikhail Kudin

Plastic surgeon. Main areas of interest: aesthetic facial surgery, endoscopic and radical face and neck lifting techniques, aesthetic nose surgery, aesthetic breast and body surgery.
Participant of international scientific congresses and symposia in Russia and abroad. Trainer of the Renaissance Aesthetics company.

Arseniy Lavrov

Plastic surgeon, maxillofacial surgeon.

Head of the department of plastic surgery of the clinic "NicoMed", Krasnodar, plastic surgeon "Atribeaute Clinique", St. Petersburg, plastic surgeon of the "University Surgical Clinic", Moscow.

The main areas of interest: facial aesthetic surgery, endoscopic and radical face and neck facial procedures, aesthetic nose surgery, repeated rhinoplasty, aesthetic surgery of nose deformities in clefts of the upper lip and palate.
Participant of many international scientific congresses and symposia in Russia and abroad.

Yulia Lebedeva

Candidate of Medical Sciences, certified plastic surgeon at the A3BEAUTE clinic (St. Petersburg), teacher-researcher at the Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery of St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University.

Full member of the Russian Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS).

Participant and speaker at international conferences on plastic surgery. Author and co-author of scientific articles and patents in the field of plastic surgery.

The main areas of interest: aesthetic facial surgery (rhinoplasty, blepharoplasty, facial rejuvenation - endoscopic and SMAS lifting, neck plastic surgery)

Nikita Mosienko

Ekaterina Orlova

Alla Poberezhnaya

Plastic surgeon at the aesthetic surgery A3BEAUTE Clinique (St. Petersburg).

Active member of the Russian Society of Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgeons (SPRAS). Member of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (ISAPS). Master's degree in Pediatrics from the St.Petersburg State Medical Academy of Pediatrics, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Surgical residency at the Department of General Surgery residency at Pskov Regional Hospital, Russia. Plastic surgery residency at the Department of Plastic, Aesthetic, and Reconstructive Surgery, St.Petersburg Postgraduate Academy of Medicine. From 2000 to 2003 worked as a surgeon and was head of the surgical department Novorzhevsky Regional Hospital. Since 2006 plastic surgeon. in private clinic.
Author of publications on aesthetic surgery. Regular participant and speaker at Russian and international plastic surgery conferences.
Main interests in: Endoscopic techniques, Facial rejuvenation , Aesthetic Breast Surgery, Body contouring, Fat grafting.

Sergei Shvirev

Practicing aesthetic surgeon since 1991, co-founder of the clinic of plastic surgery "GrandMed".

Performs a wide range of aesthetic operations on the face and body. Member of RSPRAS, a full member of ISAPS since 2002. Permanent speaker and lecturer at Russian and international forums on plastic surgery. The author of original lectures and master classes on anti-aging facial surgery.

Marlen Sulamanidze

Doctor of Medical Sciences, specialist in plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery, author of APTOS methods.

Sultan Tukeshov

Igor Vasilyev

Plastic surgeon, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Assistant of the Department of Plastic Surgery and Cosmetology South of Ural State Medical University.

Deputy General Director and Plastic Surgeon of the Plastic Surgery Center "PLASTES", Chelyabinsk.

Member of RSPRAS.

Sergei Vasilyev

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Plastic Surgery and Cosmetology of the South Ural State Medical University, Honorary Member of the Russian Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (RSPRAS), International Member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS).

Viacheslav Vasilyev

Plastic surgeon, candidate of medical sciences. Assistant of the Department of Plastic Surgery and Cosmetology of the State Medical University of the Southern Federal District of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, surgeon of the plastic and aesthetic surgery center PLASTEC.

Member of the Russian Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons in the Chelyabinsk Region. Repeatedly delivered reports on regenerative surgery in Russia and abroad: Rome, Italy, 2012, 2014, Berlin, Germany, 2013, USA, New York, 2013. Winner of the European Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery: the three-month internship at the University Clinic RWTH Aachen University Germany, Aachen. Author and co-author of 54 scientific works and 2 patents.

Vitaly Zholtikov

Plastic surgeon, MD.
Assistant Professor of the Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University.
Active member, member of the Council of the Russian Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (SPRAS).
National Secretary of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery in Russia (ISAPS).
Full member, member of the Board of Directors of the Rhinoplasty Society of Europe (RhiSoEu).
Member of the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (ASAPS).
Member of the European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery (EAFPS).
Member of the International Rhinoplasty Research Society (IRRS).
Honorary Member of the Rhinoplasty Society of South Africa (SORSSA).
Honorary Member of the Turkish Facial Plastic Surgery Association.
Honorary member of the Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic surgeons of Uzbekistan.
Honorary Member of the Rhinoplasty Society of India.